Leaving Philadelphia For Across Country Move.
If the psychological preparation for a cross country move is that much, now imagine getting into the actual moving process. The logistical challenges involved in shipping your belongings from Philadelphia to a different country are enormous. The items need to be packed neatly in boxes, the required documentation filled and the goods tracked to their destination. So how exactly are you supposed to prepare when leaving Philadelphia for across country move?
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Clean and Organize Everything.
Just like any other average American, you have probably been procrastinating on thorough cleaning of your house. Days before you start moving, ensure that you dedicate some time and do a thorough cleaning before you start putting everything away. A lot of people might be wondering why you are doing this in the first place. Well, it is literally impossible to keep stock of every item in your household if you are unaware of what you have in the first place. If some items are missing from your house, then you need to clean some more until they are found. Moreover, you are going to need to clean your house or apartment anyway before moving.
Get Rid of Items You Hardly Use.
There are items that you do not necessarily have to move with. Instead of incurring additional most because of such items, organize a garage sale and dispose these items to people who would put them into proper use. A garage sale goes a step further to raise some money that can you can use to offset the moving cost. If there are still items that cannot sell, you can donate such items to those who need them. When you are done with getting rid of items you hardly use, take stock of your belonging including items that do not belong to you. If there are such items, you can have the owners come pick them so that you do not move unnecessary baggage and pay more.
A great way of reducing the cost of moving is by scaling down on the items you are moving. There is absolutely no need of carrying along an old washing machine that was passed onto you by your parents. Assuming that the washing machine is in its worst condition, it is much easier to buy a replacement once you reach your new destination as opposed to moving the item. There are many platforms that you can either buy a new item or sell some of your old stuff. Craigslist for example is a great platform to replace your old items with new ones at a reasonable price. However, make sure that you replace your old stuff once you settle in your new residence and not when you haven’t moved yet.
How to Pack.
Now that you have all your belongings with you, it is time to pack everything and get ready to move. Packing does not entirely involve stashing your belongings into a box and onto a truck. You need to first acquire specialized boxes that are commonly used for packing. Secondly, it is important that you organize your items in specific boxes and one way to do this is by labeling the boxes. Fragile items should be stored in separate boxes to avoid breakages. Another unique way of packing your items is buying boxes in different colors. You can then memorize what items went into what box for easier retrieval.
Moving to another country means that your goods will be shipped under very turbulent conditions. This means that your items are not safe until they reach their destination. For this reason, avoid packing boxes halfway. Make sure that you pack the items in such a manner than they fill and seal the box tightly with a masking tape. For heavy items that risk getting crushed, put these in plastic boxes or bins. You can still reuse such bins and boxes for other purposes at your new home.
Ask for Help.
Asking for help does not entirely mean that you tell everyone what they are coming to do. If you do not wish to enlist the help of a professional mover when packing, ask your friends and family to come over. You can make it look like a small party but in the process get creative. Ask the people in attendance to help pack your belongings after the party and before you know it, everything is boxed and sealed and ready to be moved. The importance of seeking help is generally because they are items that you cannot pack on your own. Fragile items need to be moved very carefully. There are other bulky items that you cannot lift or even move from the ground.
There are certain websites that offer labor for the day. If you consider this as a cheaper option, then seek the services of such websites particularly if packing will involve moving various goods to a centralized location. The idea of hiring labor is a good one but why should you go through the logistical nightmare when you have a professional mover who can do everything for you. As a smart person, delegate the task of packing, moving and unpacking your belongings to the mover. This way, it is easier to place the burden of responsibility on the invoved party in case goods are lost or get damaged while on transit. Imagine hiring random strangers to help you pack and some of your items get lost or are damaged. Who do you blame exactly assuming that everyone involved denies responsibility?
Pad Your Boxes.
Since there will be a lot of movement involved, padding the inside of your packing boxes is a matter of common sense. You do not wish to have your items hitting against the hard walls of the boxes or against each other if they are loosely packed in the boxes. Fragile items such as glasses, kitchenware and some electronics require soft pads to cushion the items from breakages when moving.
How to Choose an Across Country Mover.
Hiring a good company means that at the end of the day, you should get value for your money. The logistical challenges that most movers face is the reason why across country move can be a daunting task not just on you as the customer but for the mover as well. Once the goods are shipped, the mover will need to track the goods until the time you receive them. Some countries have strict regulations for goods coming in further adding to the logistical nightmare. Depending on your country of destination, familiarize yourself with any regulations that could hinder the smooth movement of your goods. If you choose the right mover, you can be guaranteed that your belongings are safe. Overlooking some crucial factors is likely to cost you more than just your belongings but additional expenses as well.